Difference Between Zip Code and Postal Code

Difference Between Zip Code and Postal Code
Difference Between Zip Code and Postal Code

Zip codes and postal codes are systems used to identify a specific geographic location for the purpose of mail delivery. There are some differences between zip code and postal code. Zip codes are used in the United States, while postal codes are used in other countries. A zip code is a series of numbers that is assigned to a specific address or group of addresses in the United States. It is used by the USPS to efficiently sort and deliver mail to the correct address. Zip codes are typically five digits long, although some may be nine digits long.

A postal code is a series of letters and/or numbers that are used in other countries to identify a specific geographic location for mail delivery. Postal codes are used by the local postal service to efficiently sort and deliver mail to the correct address. The format of postal codes varies from country to country. In general, zip codes are used in the United States and postal codes are used in other countries. Both are systems that help to identify a specific geographic location for the purpose of mail delivery.

Zip Code Vs Postal Code

Main Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code?

There are a few main differences between zip codes and postal codes:

  1. Geographical region: Zip codes are used in the United States, while postal codes are used in other countries.
  2. Format: Zip codes are typically five or nine digits long, while the format of postal codes varies from country to country. Postal codes can be letters and/or numbers, and may be of different lengths.
  3. Use: Both zip codes and postal codes are used to identify a specific geographic location for the purpose of mail delivery. However, zip codes are used by the USPS in the United States, while postal codes are used by the local postal service in other countries.
  4. Completeness: Postal codes tend to be more complete, in the sense that they usually cover a wider area than zip codes. Zip codes are usually assigned to a specific group of addresses, while postal codes can cover a larger area such as a city or even an entire country.

Overall, the main difference between zip codes and postal codes is the geographical region in which they are used and the formatting of the codes themselves. Both are systems used to identify a specific geographic location for the purpose of mail delivery.

Comparison Table

Here is a table with 7 rows comparing zip codes and postal codes:

PropertyZip CodePostal Code
Geographical regionUnited StatesOther countries
Format5 or 9 digitsVaries by country
UseUsed by USPSUsed by local postal service
CompletenessAssigned to a specific group of addressesCan cover a larger area such as a city or country
Example90210W1A 1BL
PurposeIdentify a specific geographic location for mail deliveryIdentify a specific geographic location for mail delivery
HistoryIntroduced in 1963Introduced in various countries at different times
Comparison Table

Difference Between Zip Code and Postal Code Examples

Here are five examples of zip codes and postal codes:

  1. Zip code: 90210 Postal code: W1A 1BL
  2. Zip code: 10001 Postal code: EC1A 1BB
  3. Zip code: 60606 Postal code: M1C 4X5
  4. Zip code: 21201 Postal code: H2Y 1A3
  5. Zip code: 98101 Postal code: K1A 0B1

In these examples, the zip codes are all from the United States and are five or nine digits long. The postal codes are all from different countries and have different formats. All of these codes are used to identify a specific geographic location for the purpose of mail delivery.

Zip Code and Postal Code


To summarize, zip codes and postal codes are systems used to identify a specific geographic location for the purpose of mail delivery. Zip codes are used in the United States, while postal codes are used in other countries. The format of zip codes is generally consistent, while the format of postal codes varies by country. Both zip codes and postal codes help to efficiently sort and deliver mail to the correct address. The main difference between zip codes and postal codes is the geographical region in which they are used and the formatting of the codes themselves

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